Intuitive Development; Coaching for Highly Sensitive Individuals ("HyPerceptives");
Grief Processing
It is my goal to help you meet and heal old wounds and current conflicts without fear to ease your way forward in life with an open heart. Mediumship, together with inventive tools and techniques as gateways into healing, empowerment, and self-discovery, underpins the basis of my work.
Sessions incorporate spiritual guidance to help you connect with your highest Self for the purpose of awakening to a new way of living life. Messages from your Loved Ones on the Other Side can help you process grief, understand how to develop a new kind of relationship with your Loved One on the Other Side, develop your own intuitive abilities, and/or tap into your power as a HyPerceptive.
Taking even one step with your spiritual compass set toward love and integrity is transformative. Consistently choosing love and integrity above all else invites an inspired life. Being guided by these principles holds us in an energetic frequency of inspiration where we empower ourselves and others. We not only become the connector, but the connection itself. You'll learn tools like the Psychic Octopus, Internal Inking, and Identifying Your Unique Energetic Signature for:
Sessions incorporate spiritual guidance to help you connect with your highest Self for the purpose of awakening to a new way of living life. Messages from your Loved Ones on the Other Side can help you process grief, understand how to develop a new kind of relationship with your Loved One on the Other Side, develop your own intuitive abilities, and/or tap into your power as a HyPerceptive.
Taking even one step with your spiritual compass set toward love and integrity is transformative. Consistently choosing love and integrity above all else invites an inspired life. Being guided by these principles holds us in an energetic frequency of inspiration where we empower ourselves and others. We not only become the connector, but the connection itself. You'll learn tools like the Psychic Octopus, Internal Inking, and Identifying Your Unique Energetic Signature for:
- Energy healing, transformation, and transmutation
- Developing your intuitive (psychic/medium) abilities
- Amplifying your vibration to tap into your innate sensitivities: brilliant invitations to connect with Self and Source.
What can I say? My visits with Heidi continued to change my life for the better. The best part is that since then my husband and I have had some deep talks about our relationship and we're on track again. I also feel so much more okay about does seem nearly as mysterious, nor as frightening, and the relief is profound. Thank you, Heidi. (S.M. 2019) |
I tell anyone who will listen all about how you changed my life. I still have a long way to go, but you opened my mind to things may just be my saving grace. You helped me see what I am really capable of and what I have been running from my whole life. Saying thank you is not nearly enough. (J.S. 2020) |
Private Readings for Individuals, Couples, & Groups:
All my sessions utilize messages from Spirit meant to free you from chaos and bring in ease, calm,
peace, prosperity, abundance, love, and joy!
Weekend appointments available upon request.
Go to [email protected] or call 971.258.1154
Group House Parties also available!!!
All my sessions utilize messages from Spirit meant to free you from chaos and bring in ease, calm,
peace, prosperity, abundance, love, and joy!
Weekend appointments available upon request.
Go to [email protected] or call 971.258.1154
Group House Parties also available!!!
- 60-MIN INDIVIDUAL & PARTNER SESSIONS : $200/hour (Book Here)
- SPECIAL BUNDLE: Book (3) 60-MIN SESSIONS: $550, including my free Love Energy Unit gift of healing music! CONTACT ME directly to set up your scheduled sessions. (Book Here)
- SPECIAL: ONE FULL DAY ON SITE (7 hours): Fully immerse yourself in the energy of awareness without the constraint of a limiting timed session. This incredible opportunity affords you the ability to explore energetic shifts as they occur, however minute they might appear to be, in order to give you license to explore and validate your feelings, thoughts, and connections to Self and Source. Intense and illuminating for those ready to shatter old patterns and take the leap into conscious awareness. Singles and couples welcome. $1500 [CONTACT ME FOR FURTHER DETAILS)
Group Sessions (various locations): Please call for per-person rates
Skype and phone sessions available worldwide.
Want to book a session but have questions first? Contact me here.
Spiritual Therapy and (Psychic) Mediumship Sessions (Details)
Choosing a journey of conscious awareness, intuitive guidance, and loving intent
The difference between "psychic" and "mediumship" is an important distinction. As a psychic-medium who coaches, I set my focus on mediumship; that is, receiving information from the Spirit World as opposed to perceiving information from you, the human client to ensure the information I channel is as unfiltered by my own human agenda as possible. As a coach for Vacationing Angels, there is never a moment when I am not aware of the profoundly reverent nature of my calling. It is as much about my using my intuition and guidance to help you as it is about connecting you to your own intuition--with your own guidance--your highest Self as well as your Spirit Team for the highest good of all concerned.
As Vacationing Angels in human form, being in resonance means living in the state of least resistance. Simply, anything that feels “bad” or uncomfortable is a form of resistance—e.g., fear, judgment, anxiety, depression, push energy, and so on. When we are in our truth, connected to Source and our highest Self (when our mind, body, and spirit are in alignment), the resonance is like a tuning fork that enables us to hear, see, and feel the guidance of those on the Other Side and tap into what our highest Self needs to hear. I have been told that my special gift is coaching others to tune into their own empowerment and wisdom. If that is true, I can't imagine a more fulfilling blessing.
Spending a full day with Heidi to fully immerse yourself in conscious awareness without the constraint of a limiting timed session and typical interruptions of daily life is an incredible opportunity to explore energetic shifts as they occur, however minute they might appear to be, in order to give you license to identify, explore, validate, and align with your feelings and thoughts and connect to Self and Source.
Customized guided flute recordings embedded with your Spirit Team's unconditional love energy further boosts our work. In concert with Spirit, we are invited to breathe in self-love and breathe out pure universal love one note at a time. Music is the best way to support ongoing results after your intuitive coaching session. My Spirit Team and I partner with your Spirit Team and you to create a unique, improvisationally guided piece of flute music to transmute stagnant patterns and beliefs by bypassing resistance easily and effectively. Each custom piece is encoded with frequencies intended only for you unless you are otherwise guided. You can read some client testimonials here.
Choosing a journey of conscious awareness, intuitive guidance, and loving intent
The difference between "psychic" and "mediumship" is an important distinction. As a psychic-medium who coaches, I set my focus on mediumship; that is, receiving information from the Spirit World as opposed to perceiving information from you, the human client to ensure the information I channel is as unfiltered by my own human agenda as possible. As a coach for Vacationing Angels, there is never a moment when I am not aware of the profoundly reverent nature of my calling. It is as much about my using my intuition and guidance to help you as it is about connecting you to your own intuition--with your own guidance--your highest Self as well as your Spirit Team for the highest good of all concerned.
As Vacationing Angels in human form, being in resonance means living in the state of least resistance. Simply, anything that feels “bad” or uncomfortable is a form of resistance—e.g., fear, judgment, anxiety, depression, push energy, and so on. When we are in our truth, connected to Source and our highest Self (when our mind, body, and spirit are in alignment), the resonance is like a tuning fork that enables us to hear, see, and feel the guidance of those on the Other Side and tap into what our highest Self needs to hear. I have been told that my special gift is coaching others to tune into their own empowerment and wisdom. If that is true, I can't imagine a more fulfilling blessing.
Spending a full day with Heidi to fully immerse yourself in conscious awareness without the constraint of a limiting timed session and typical interruptions of daily life is an incredible opportunity to explore energetic shifts as they occur, however minute they might appear to be, in order to give you license to identify, explore, validate, and align with your feelings and thoughts and connect to Self and Source.
Customized guided flute recordings embedded with your Spirit Team's unconditional love energy further boosts our work. In concert with Spirit, we are invited to breathe in self-love and breathe out pure universal love one note at a time. Music is the best way to support ongoing results after your intuitive coaching session. My Spirit Team and I partner with your Spirit Team and you to create a unique, improvisationally guided piece of flute music to transmute stagnant patterns and beliefs by bypassing resistance easily and effectively. Each custom piece is encoded with frequencies intended only for you unless you are otherwise guided. You can read some client testimonials here.
"How do you control your gift? Aren't you overwhelmed?"
Fortunately, there is no need to "control" one's abilities. After all, control is simply another form of resistance. My contract with my Spirit Team, for example, specifies that we are in partnership for the best interests of all concerned. That includes me! If I am comfortable I am a much clearer channel on behalf of anyone in my field. "They" never get "out of control," and neither do the circumstances that arise. I know there is inherent perfection in every opportunity; therefore, there is no need on my part for fear, judgment, or push energy of any kind.
"Are you a psychic or a medium?"
Both...although high-sensitives are usually intuitive or "psychic" to one degree or another. When I am coaching, however, I prefer to receive all my information from the Spirit World so as to have as little human agenda (filtering) as possible so I know that the information I receive is in the best interests of all concerned--you, me, Source, and the Spirit World.