"Heidi's books, sessions, and workshops change lives. End of story."
- Jill Lebeau, LMFT, Author of Feng Shui Your Life
"If you had not come into my life when you did, I'm not sure I would still be here today. You really connected with me, and I heard you. It allowed me to open without fear or vulnerability. Working with you has been lifesaving."
- Jill Lebeau, LMFT, Author of Feng Shui Your Life
"If you had not come into my life when you did, I'm not sure I would still be here today. You really connected with me, and I heard you. It allowed me to open without fear or vulnerability. Working with you has been lifesaving."
Dr. Jessica Tartaro, Intimacy Coach & Connection Facilitator, speaks about her experience in session with Heidi Connolly
"Our session was perfect--all it was cracked up to be. I now feel like I can move forward in my own development and experience the joy of living again." (2021)
"Thank you for your presence in this world. I feel like my doors and windows are opening and that you are helping me accept the parts of me I was afraid of." Living an Authentic Life workshop participant (2019) "Your class was so moving and profound, Heidi. Thank you for just being you. You're an amazing lady." M, Women of Wisdom workshop participant (2018) "Heidi, your chapter is the best in When Heaven Touches Earth. I know that's why they saved it for last! Just think, the world-renowned #1 NY Times best-selling medium James Van Praag has the pick of renowned spiritualists to write for his book and yours wins a spot--and tops them all!" Greta Medlin, author and award-winning journalist (2020) |
"I will never be able to thank you enough for all the relief I’m getting from the constant depression I was suffering before I learned of your psychic octopus theory. I am changed by your gifts, especially your music!" (2020)
"Tonight's Afterlife Meetup was brilliant from beginning to end. I found myself taking notes. Your words were truly inspired. So much to ponder....Thank you, Heidi." (2020) "My private session with you brought me such peace and great joy! You will never know how much that means to me. I felt like ten thousand pounds of pressure was taken off my shoulders. Thank you, Heidi." (2020) "Thank you for last night's Afterlife Meetup, Heidi. I am always impressed by the easy grace with which you unfailingly approach your audience, acknowledging each one openly and respectfully, beautifully amazed with the revelations every moment is capable of bringing. I relearned (yet again) some important lessons last night, in particular about the power of our belief systems---and the always-available possibility of transforming them on the spot." (2019) "Heidi, thank you for coming to Unity Church to do your monthly meetup. Spending a couple of hours with you last night changed my life like never before. It almost felt like Magic was in the air. I listened to my Spirit and as you promised it took me to some amazing places and people. Thank you." (2019) "My daughter was ill all week. At this point, she was crying, so upset and tired of being sick. She still had a fever and seemed to be getting worse, even with the medicine she was taking. You sent her a custom recording, which I played 4 or 5 times. A couple of hours later her fever was completely gone and she was happy and playing, running around the house laughing. I have so much love and gratitude for all you do, Heidi. You are as brilliant and loving as the guided music you share." (2018) "I can't stop saying, 'I can’t believe it,' but I do believe it because I have the proof. For the past 10 years, I've limped around in the morning until my knee loosened up, then put on flats because my knee couldn’t tolerate high heels, and then sat at a desk all day. Throughout the day I'd have to rub and stretch my knee to soothe the aching. Yesterday, just before I left work, I called to confirm my appointment with the orthopedic specialist about getting a knee replacement. Last night I played your 'Heliotrope' music for the first time. Suddenly, I realized my knee was feeling great! Two hours after listening to the music, I was no longer in pain. I was actually able to squat to the floor and stand back up, something I haven't been able to do in over 10 years! Heidi reminded me that the recording's vibration focuses on lowering inflammation through the doorway of self-love. I cancelled my appointment with the surgeon and instead went out to plant in the garden--something else I haven't been able to do in many, many years!. I am so grateful to you and Source and the miracle I have received." (2020) |
"During my awesome session you were guided to make a special recording for my family and me. After playing it several times during a family gathering weekend I noticed how well everyone was getting along and how kind, loving, and accepting we all were with each other. Personally, I acknowledged how I was responding differently to situations where I would have otherwise have been annoyed. Other effects of your recordings are even more unexpected. I feel so much more accepting even of myself, for example, and have gained a confidence I did not have before. Your music has a subtle yet powerful ability for transformation and healing. I recommend and regard you highly." (2017)
"I continue to be most grateful for the impact that you have made on my life. I am very happy and more inspired all the time, especially over the past few weeks. Life just gets more and more amazing--and I've barely scratched the surface." (2019) “I use all your recordings, but one of my favorites is 'Sanskrit' for clearing energy when I’m shopping, teaching, or working. I play it constantly when I need to clear—myself or a room. It even works with the volume turned off! My 8-year-old daughter now asks me to play it all the time to calm her down. Instantly I feel clear and grounded and note that the people around me react positively to it as well. The power of the recordings is phenomenal. They are beautiful, soothing, and inspirational. Keep making them, Heidi. I love them all!” (2020) "Heidi, you are a source of great comfort to many more people than I know you ever dreamed of. Your coaching has given me freedom--that's the only way to say it." (2019) "Your Heart Strength recording for physical and emotional heart health is incredibly powerful. It calms me at the same time it gets my heart pumping. When I listen, I instantly begin to breathe more easily. I listen to it--as well as all your other recordings--over and over...and over." (2020) "I’m blown away at the blessings knowing you has brought into my life. Your Afterlife Meetups are SO special. The information you provide is beautifully explained and the exercises are especially valuable. I was also impressed with your amazing patience and demeanor...you are incredibly tactful, professional, and loving." (2016) "You are an excellent coach. I am blessed to know you." (2018) "You are a wonderful intuitive teacher and healer. I am reaffirmed, validated, and inspired every time we work together." (2019) |
LaDonna Funderburke's Breathe Deep Within Breathwork and Guided Meditations Zoom classes: "Breathe Deep Within is a combination of meditation, conscious breathing, and sound healing. This 1-hour class is for anyone to learn easy-to-follow breathing techniques to calm the mind, ease the body into relaxation, and awaken the spirit. Breathe Deep Within is about using breath as the focus for meditation, about being aware of the present moment, and building a foundation that supports the integration of your authentic self. Each class invites you to go on a contemplative journey that can bring steadiness of the mind, openness of the heart, and offers a new perspective on life with clarity." BreatheDeepWithin.com
Irene Weinberg's Grief and Rebirth Podcast is a wonderful opportunity to explore all aspects of "death" and dying, the afterlife, and the ideas around loss, bereavement, recovery, and rejuvenation! My interviews with Irene have been enlightening experiences, as are all her podcasts. IreneWeinberg.com
Melanie Seal-Jones of Orange Frog Studio is not only my brilliant photographer and graphic designer, but a marketing strategist as well. She is responsible for my "H" logo as well as much of the rest of the artwork on this sites and elsewhere. You can reach the amazing Melanie at OrangeFrogStudio.com/
Irene Weinberg's Grief and Rebirth Podcast is a wonderful opportunity to explore all aspects of "death" and dying, the afterlife, and the ideas around loss, bereavement, recovery, and rejuvenation! My interviews with Irene have been enlightening experiences, as are all her podcasts. IreneWeinberg.com
Melanie Seal-Jones of Orange Frog Studio is not only my brilliant photographer and graphic designer, but a marketing strategist as well. She is responsible for my "H" logo as well as much of the rest of the artwork on this sites and elsewhere. You can reach the amazing Melanie at OrangeFrogStudio.com/