When Heaven Touches Earth (hard cover)
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WHEN HEAVEN TOUCHES EARTH: A Little Book of Miracles, Marvels, & Wonders (Hardcover), Compilation by James Van Praagh, Sunny Dawn Johnston, and Lisa McCourt. "Life After Death" chapter by Heidi Connolly, Hierophant Publishing, 2016, ISBN 978-1938289552 From Intro by Lisa McCourt: This book is for people who choose to believe in a force of love so immense, so all encompassing, so inextricably interwoven within everyone and everything that it transcends paltry life/death delineations. But it’s not for us believers alone. It’s also for the “cuspers”—those on the cusp of believing in such a glorious and impervious force of love but who can’t quite wrap their heads around it. And even though we die-hard believers cherish the accounts in this book (because we get teased a lot and enjoy validation!), the cuspers will appreciate them even more."
"Heidi's chapter is absolutely the best in the entire book!" Greta M., SC
"Heidi's chapter is absolutely the best in the entire book!" Greta M., SC